Alberta’s pursuit of sovereignty isn’t just a distant dream; it’s a tangible plan in motion, steered by the Alberta Prosperity Project (APP). This road map forms the bedrock for Alberta’s independence, whether within or outside Canada, progressively building political capital each step of the way. Understanding this journey is paramount for every Albertan who envisions a future where the province holds the reins of its destiny. The roadmap to sovereignty is as follows:
The first and most important step is education, spreading awareness about the significance of sovereignty for Alberta and explaining how it can be attained. This necessitates a province-wide endeavor for which the APP has assumed a pivotal role.
A significant stretch of road on the way to sovereignty is the collection of signatures – 600,000 within a 90-day period (equivalent to 20% of Alberta’s population). This objective is critical since it will compel the provincial government to conduct a referendum on secession. The first step before the Clarity Act is the Citizens Initiative Act (formerly Bill 51). Accomplishing this feat lays the groundwork for formal negotiations with the federal government. Initially, the primary objective of these negotiations would be to negotiate sovereignty WITHIN Canada. However, if this endeavor proves futile, the pursuit of sovereignty WITHOUT Canada becomes inevitable.
The Alberta Prosperity Project is gearing up for this pivotal piece of the plan by registering and collecting signatures so that, when the official 90-day period starts, we will easily collect the required number of signatures within the time allotted.
The journey toward Alberta’s sovereignty is a road defined by strategic planning, widespread public education, and resolute advocacy. By supporting leaders and politicians who favour Alberta’s sovereignty and by meticulously preparing for the impending signature campaign, the Alberta Prosperity Project is laying the groundwork for a future where Alberta wields greater control over its destiny. Every Albertan can play a pivotal role in this historic voyage by staying informed, participating in the conversation, and engaging in the referendum process. For a sovereign and prosperous Alberta, the time for action is now
The Alberta Prosperity Project doesn’t receive any government funding. We rely on our generous supporters to help fund our educational efforts. If you support our mission to empower the Alberta government to restructure Alberta’s relationship with Canada by mobilizing public support for a referendum on sovereignty, please consider making a donation today:
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