Alberta Prosperity Project
The precise answer is that the APP supports whichever monetary system conquers the menace of inflation, guarantees economic stability, and maximizes confidence in the market. Please review the article by Tanner Hnidey, entitled, “Which is better a Gold Standard or Fiat Currency System?”
1. May 2023: Election of an Independence-focused government that understands the need for leverage through a successful referendum on Independence and therefore commits to hold one.
2. May 2023 – October or November 2025 (Mid-term Municipal elections): Assume control of policing, pensions, employment insurance, immigration, and provincial tax collection. Create new banking regulations for ATB, all Alberta based Credit Unions, and the Alberta Security Exchange that supersede federal authority, which will to protect depositors and investors from CRA and the federal government. This sets the stage for the referendum on independence.
3. No later than October or November 2025, conduct an honest Referendum on Independence, which provides Alberta the moral and legal legitimacy to chart a new path forward. Depending on polling, the referendum could be held much earlier, but preferably after achieving the preliminary objectives in number 2 above. *Please see petition on website (under education).
4. Negotiate for 6 to 12 months with Ottawa and other provinces for a massive devolution of power and control to Alberta. If negotiations are successful, it will justify Alberta remaining a part of Canada, but uncontrolled by Ottawa, etched into a new constitution. However, it is improbable that Ottawa and the rest of Canada will agree to Alberta’s demands.
5. October or November 2026: If negotiations with Ottawa and the other provinces fail, Alberta unilaterally declares its sovereignty as an Independent Nation and prepares to transition to a Sovereign Constitutional Republic.
This question is unclear; therefore, we answer it based on two different interpretations.
First Interpretation.
If we assume that this question relates to Alberta joining the United States, since reference was made to “getting behind a Republican Movement”, Alberta, as a Sovereign Constitutional Republic cannot really ”get behind” any political movement in another country. However, if the citizens in Alberta at some point in the future decided to hold a referendum on joining the US, the “will” of Albertans would then prevail. To be clear, that is not what APP is advocating. APP believes that a much brighter future for all Albertans can be realized in short order as an independent nation.
Second Interpretation.
Here we assume that the question relates to clarification of the difference between a “democracy” versus a “republic”. The critical difference between a democracy and a republic is that a democracy is a rule by the majority, whereas a republic is a rule by law.
The word “democracy” is a combination of the Greek words’ demos meaning “people,” and kratos meaning “government.” Thus, a democracy is “Government by the people.”
In a democracy, the majority gives authority to elected and appointed officials. The whims of parliament and bureaucrats determine the law. In this, laws are political, progressive, and subject to change based on the rule of the majority.
The word “republic” is of Latin origin and is a combination of the word’s res (meaning “interest”) and public, meaning “everybody.” Thus, “republic” means “In everyone’s interest.”
Unlike a democracy, the essence of a republic is a rule by law. The law is made in a democracy; the law is discovered in a republic. The rights of the individual, not the majority, are emphasized, protected, and maximized in a republic. Theoretically, a democratic government (a democracy) has unlimited power subject only to the majority will of the people. In a republic, the power of government is severely limited through the constitution and codified laws to ensure the bureaucracy can only engage in its limited, though critical, function of protecting rights.
Democracy has been described by Sir Winston Churchill as “The worst form of government, except for everything else” What Churchill left out was why he came to that conclusion. But it is clear and easy to understand. The problem with a democracy is the “tyranny of the majority over the minority”. Here, societal rights trump individual rights, as interpreted in Section 1 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The Charter should have stated that Individual Rights and Freedoms will always be paramount and unassailably protected by law in the Constitution.
Further, Alexander Tytler noted that “A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will exist until the majority discovers that it can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that point on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse over loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by socialism/Marxism/communism and dictatorship”.
The APP is convinced Albertans are ready for a switch from a democracy to a republic. We do not believe this will take a generation, but rather, we believe it can happen right now! Our individual rights would not be restricted, but championed and upheld. Indeed, as we’ve endured a democratic government enacting emergency acts, lockdowns, and banking seizures, there has never been a more perfect opportunity to present a republic to the peoples of Alberta. (for more info on the differences between a republic and a democracy, see
We are still “free” to vote now, but time is running out to save Alberta, as well as our individual freedoms, rights, and prosperity. Therefore, it is critical that every Albertan vote in 2023 to elect a government that will absolutely protect and enhance the individual freedoms, rights, and prosperity of all Albertans, protect the self-determination of Alberta, and that will hold an honest referendum on independence. A successful referendum on Alberta Independence will give Alberta the moral and legal legitimacy to chart a new path forward which will protect in perpetuity individual freedoms and rights.
This quote by Stuart Chase attempts to identify a dichotomy between people in terms of their ability to change their mind based on evidence. In essence, both parts of the quote say the same thing, i.e., “Nothing, including evidence, will change that person’s mind (no proof is necessary, or possible)”, except that the 2nd part of the quote assumes that no evidence will ever be provided. Let’s then apply this logic to:
1. Those who believe that a dystopian future is inevitable assumes that they will accept their fate (a dystopian future) since they believe that it cannot be avoided, regardless of what evidence is provided to the contrary = cognitive dissonance. This group of people may welcome the great socialist reset, whether they understand the implications, or not. On the other hand, we don’t know categorically whether some or many of these people will change their mind until we creatively engage with them and provide a more inspiring narrative from every media platform, which we intend to do. .
2. Those who don’t believe that the future will be dystopian, and no proof of what is coming can possibly be provided = cognitive dissonance. In this case, however, there is a now a massive amount of evidence at hand that a dystopian future is in the cards if we do nothing. The implications for individuals and society are clear, which may be sufficiently persuasive for people to stand against the Great Reset, and the plundering of Alberta. APP’s job is to engage, educate and inspire these folks on the rationale and merits of independence, how we will make it happen, and how we will assuage the concerns of independence.
The key question for APP is can we overcome cognitive dissonance and provide sufficient evidence for Albertans to want to protect their individual freedoms, rights, prosperity, and self-determination. So far, the evidence strongly suggests that we can change the hearts and minds of people when they understand what they will lose if we do nothing, and what they will gain by Alberta becoming an independent sovereign nation. It really gets back to the fundamental question of “What’s in it for me” in an Independent Alberta, and “what do I lose in a dystopian future?”
If we apply this to the rural and urban populations, APP assumes, based on evidence, that people will change their mind if the evidence is compelling in terms of what they will lose remaining in Canada and what they will gain in an Independent Alberta. While it may seem that there is an impossible urban-rural political divide, we at APP believe that most Albertans want to protect their individual freedoms, rights, prosperity, and self-determination, regardless of locale, and will unite for common cause. Our task is to explain what is at stake for all Albertans in the rural and urban communities. The difference is that we will need to make a much greater effort in the major urban communities, which is planned. “If we can dream it, we can do it. It always seems impossible until it is done”. (Nelson Mandela).
We also believe that there are those who want Alberta to remain in Canada but with a much better deal and control of our wealth, as well as control of government programs unfettered by the federal government. And then there are those who are convinced that Alberta should become an independent Sovereign Constitutional Republic. With both paradigms, neither outcome can be achieved without leverage, and the only leverage possible to fix Alberta’s circumstances within confederation or permit Alberta to chart a new path forward as an independent sovereign nation is the leverage of a successful referendum on independence. Such a mandate by the people of Alberta provides the moral and legal legitimacy to negotiate with Ottawa and the other provinces from a position of strength.
APP is on the cusp of commencing a full court press, a massive program to educate Albertans on the rationale and merits of independence (within or without Canada), how we will make it happen, and how we will assuage the concerns of people about “independence”. We believe that our message will resonate with rural and urban citizens alike. We believe that people of all political stripes want
freedom and prosperity, and a better standard of living and quality of life. Our task is to educate them. We are agnostic to which party embraces the policies and governance that we are advocating. And we already have NDP, UCP and Independence party supporters.
In conclusion, we are advocating for peaceful revolution to save Alberta.
“I’m not upset that you lied to me, I’m upset that from now on I cannot believe you” Friedrich Nietzsche
This statement by Friedrich Nietzsche is at the heart of why we have lost trust in government, as we know it and have experienced it. Governments of all types have lost our trust because of corruption, inept governance, discal impropriety, and they have promised one thing and done another. They have perpetually lied to us.
The APP understands that the Provincial and Federal Governments have abrogated their responsibilities to every Albertan. All trust has been broken; all assurances of goodwill on the part of government are met with uncertainty. The people of Alberta are not to blame for forfeiting trust. For decades, governments have actively manoeuvred their bureaucrats, politicians, and influential leaders into positions that now facilitate our harm.
To that end, it is never a guarantee that a politician will be morally just. On the contrary, it is almost certain that he will be corrupt. To combat this problem, the APP recommends that Alberta transitions to a Sovereign Constitutional Republic. The APP wants the citizens of Alberta to be ruled by law in a “justice system”, not politicians. On page 6 of the APP’s Proposed Policies and Governance for the Sovereign Nation of Alberta, it states: “all citizens have the right to live free in a civil society that recognizes the Supremacy of God and the rule of law,”
Thus, the APP that a sovereign Alberta recognizes the Supremacy of God as the standard of right and wrong, which is foundational to the rule of law and civil society. This standard is incorruptible precisely because it transcends mankind and is the foundation of moral civilization?
Adopting this standard protects Albertans in many ways. Most clearly, it enables us to implement checks and balance on the politician’s power. If an MLA is acting disharmoniously with this law, he is acting corruptly. To remove that corrupted politician from office, the bylaws and the governance section of the Policy & Governance document introduce very robust recall mechanisms to hold elected officials and appointed bureaucrats accountable like never before.
Accordingly, the APP supports elected officials who are committed to, and will state publicly, that they will uphold individual freedoms and rights, protect Alberta’s prosperity and self-determination, and immediately take control of that which can be done within the Canadian constitution: policing, pensions, immigration, employment insurance, and provincial tax collection, which sets the stage for federal tac collection.
Finally, the provincial government can only regain our trust if they are actively educating Albertans, along with the APP, on the necessity for a successful referendum on Alberta Independence. Trust will finally be won when the politician proves his allegiance to the people of Alberta and the law through the realization of a successful referendum on independence.
Yes, but Alberta must lead the charge as we are in the strongest position to drive an independence agenda. Northern and Central BC are also more aligned with Alberta than with southern BC, especially all the Indigenous population in Northern BC who have signed on to an energy corridor, recognizing the prosperity it will generate for them.
Albertans must take control of their destiny within Alberta first. The inhabitants of Saskatchewan and BC could have a parallel movement, but a vote for Independence in Alberta cannot be impeded by the votes of Saskatchewan or BC.
We are committed listening to our members so that we might achieve our mission to “engage, inform, educate, and inspire all Albertans, businesses and organizations on the rationale and merits of independence. We are grateful for your questions, comments, and suggestions helping us learn how we will make independence happen, how we will assuage the concerns of those about Alberta Independence and, most importantly, heal those who have been so aggrieved mentally, emotionally, and economically by the actions of uncaring federal and provincial elected officials.
The APP is actively working to unite the independence-focused parties under one umbrella, as well as the independence-focused organizations and societies. We need to work together to educate all Albertans on the rationale and merits of independence, as well as the need for negotiating leverage for Alberta to chart a new path forward.
The APP is a non-profit and non-partisan educational project; it has no intention of becoming a “political party.” Neither do we support any specific political party because we would then be deemed a “political action committee” and subject to Elections Alberta’s contribution limits.
APP’s purpose is to engage, inform, educate, and inspire all Albertans, businesses, and organizations to protect their interests, their individual freedoms, rights, and prosperity by enabling Alberta to chart a new path forward as an Independent Sovereign Constitutional Republic.
While we recognize that many Albertans would like Alberta to remain in Canada, but with a much better deal that gives Alberta control of its wealth and all government programs, the evidence is irrefutable that it is impossible to achieve based on Alberta’s history in confederation, the structural electoral imbalance, and the impossibility to change the Canadian Constitution.
Accordingly, APP via a massive educational campaign will grow its membership to 500,000 to 1,000,000 or more Albertans who will then have the potential to influence the outcome of the 2023 provincial election and compel a subsequent referendum on Alberta Independence. A successful referendum gives Alberta the leverage of the moral and legal legitimacy to chart a new path forward as an independent “nation” within Canada, or as an Independent Sovereign Constitutional Republic. There is no other leverage, other than a successful referendum on Independence, that gives Alberta any negotiating power.
In conclusion, our task is to educate Albertans on the rationale and merits of Independence, the importance of leverage, and to vote for a party that will guarantee that individual freedoms, rights, prosperity and self-determination will be protected, and as government implement the policies, governance, and bylaws that we recommend on our website. Which political party that our members vote for will be up to every APP member. If all APP members vote in one direction, they will change the history of Alberta and preserve our individual freedoms and rights, and our quest for prosperity for all.
A rapid review of various agencies is required to ensure that they are acting in the best interests of Albertans. Although APP is not a political party, we have proposed policies that we expect a strong independence-focused party will adopt.
For example, we know that AHS performance is in the lowest quartile and their costs are in the highest quartile. Our proposed Policy and Governance document on the website defines what we envision in a highly functioning healthcare system. Inefficiencies occur at every level of health care delivery, and we have defined them as well as the solutions in a white paper on fixing healthcare for the benefit of Albertans. We know how to solve the problem of access and, at the same time, improve performance and cost.
With respect to ATB and Credit Unions based in Alberta, they will be regulated under Alberta legislation only. Other Canadian Banks operating in Alberta will also come under Alberta regulatory authority which will supersede Canadian authority to operate in Alberta.
Regarding the ATA, the education policies that we will implement from the Policy and Governance Document on our website will ensure the highest quality educational standards to enable our students to thrive in the real competitive world and enjoy a successful and productive career and quality of life.
This question assumes that APP is a “political party”, which it is not. The APP is an educational project governed by the Alberta Prosperity Society. There is no prima facie leader of the APP, but there a management team which is featured on the website
The policies of the APP do not portend any socialist agenda. Instead, the APP champions free markets, individual freedoms, rights, and values, as well as a deregulated economy. At the same time, APP recommended policies recognize certain realities, such as homelessness is a problem that has not been solved, but we know how to do that. We know that people may be born compromised and require lifelong support. We also know that people can be excessively harmed by life’s circumstances for which they may require a “hand up” to get back into society as a contributing member. Or in tragic cases where they are so severely compromised that they are unable to get back to work, they will require indefinite support. To aid these individuals, the APP proposes, not socialist policies, but pragmatic and logical ones that serve the interests of all of society.
Democracy fails when societal rights trump individual rights, i.e., the tyranny of the majority over the minority. Mob rule in a democracy devolves into socialism, socialism into Marxism, and Marxism into communism. We have experienced this concerning spiral with the Covid-19 mandates. However, when individual rights and freedoms are supreme (i.e., a sovereign constitutional republic), the rights of the society follow. Thus, the only way to protect the fidelity of democracy is to entrench individual freedoms and rights into a robust new Constitution of Alberta in which societal rights can never Trump individual rights.
The APP recognizes that Alberta Independence is impossible without the support of Alberta’s Indigenous People. Please note that Lawrence Courtereille, VP of Indigenous Sovereignty is a proud member of the APP Board. Lawrence has been the elected Chief of the Mikisew First Nations Cree Band and has had a stellar business career and a national profile. In addition to Lawrence, Mr. Jeff Rath, VP General Counsel, and a Constitutional Lawyer, has worked on behalf of Indigenous people for over 30 years, all the way to the Supreme Court. Both Lawrence and Jeff are confident that 95% of the indigenous population of Alberta will support Alberta Independence once they understand the rationale and merits. For more information, please review the section in the Proposed Policy and Governance Document on our website that pertains to our proposed Indigenous policy.
We don’t have the luxury of time before we lose our individual freedoms, rights, and prosperity, and to save this amazing province. And no federal or provincial government has ever protected Alberta’s freedom and prosperity since it’s inception into confederation. We started as a colony in 1905, and we continue to be a colony 116 years later, and we continue to be pillaged and plundered for the benefit of the east.
We already know that the federal government intends to end our oil and gas industry by 2030, which will reduce the average income of Albertans by at least 1/3, according to Jack Mintz, the Chair of Public policy at the University of Calgary. (Financial Post, Nov 11, 2021). And a more recent Angus Reid survey reported on Jan 4, 2022, that 73% of Albertans are disillusioned by the federal government. Provincially, the UCP has not even implanted one of the recommendations of the “Fair Deal Panel”. If “conventional government” won’t protect us, who will?
We also know the game plan of those who would suppress us in perpetuity. The Great Reset is a highly influential movement by the global elitists of the WEF and the UN under “Agenda 2030” to “reset” the world economy, implement a one world digital currency and restructure the social order using banks,, government programs, and environmental, social, and governance metrics to control billions of people in their every move, in all of their transactions, in every purchase, in every bureaucratic practice, and in every activity, People will be pinned, catalogued, categorized, tracked and controlled. Your assigned social credit score will determine what permissions you are granted in society by the government. The WEF and UN advance upon Canada via the “Great Reset” is no longer a conspiracy but is a clear and present danger to remake society everywhere with a one-world socialist/Marxist governance structure.
The WEF-UN “Agenda 2030″ has already begun. The federal government has just announced its intention to implement a digital ID, one component of the Great Reset. A one-world digital currency is next, along with a social credit score to change the fabric of how society operates completely controlled by the government.
Many Albertans recognize (and this number will only increase as the APP unveils its massive educational campaign) that we are at a constitutional precipice. We have two choices before us: Albertans can return to the old way of life, oppressed by high taxation, invasive regulatory policy, and unjust federal law, or we can adventure, together, into a new constitutional republic with low taxation, free markets, and laws of justice. Decades of voting for the “same old same old” has generated nothing of value for our province. The structural imbalances of confederation and the impossibility of changing the Canadian Constitution means that Alberta cannot better its fortunes within confederation. Instead, we need something new, something better! The APP is convinced this new way of life is generated by independence.
However, by electing an independence-focused government that will guarantee to protect our individual freedoms, rights, and prosperity and Alberta’s self-determination, we will have hope. Once that government takes control of policing, pensions, employment insurance, immigration, and provincial tax collection, we will have even greater hope. And with a successful referendum on independence, Alberta will have, for the first time, negotiating power (leverage), to chart a new path forward. Hope will be realized and Alberta will finally be able to parley with Ottawa and the other provinces on what Alberta wants, and, should 6 to 12 months of negotiation fail, Alberta will become a new Sovereign Constitutional Republic.
Today, more than ever, it is essential that Albertans realize that it is no longer possible to passively resist. It is necessary to take a position, to fight for freedom, to demand respect for natural freedoms, such as life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness. Even more important is to understand that the dystopia of the New World Order serves to establish a dictatorship and eliminate any trace of religion. Accordingly, we do not have “years” to save ourselves. We know the future, and we can already hear the rush of the ‘falls”.
We have had ostensibly strong conservative governments both federally and provincially in the past, but the reality is that no federal or Alberta government has ever protected Alberta’s interests or future prosperity in 116 years. Given that we are now facing the abyss of the Great Reset and the end of energy security, why should anyone expect that a conservative government, federal or provincial, will do anything different to protect Alberta, unless they are compelled to?
The purpose of the referendum on Alberta’s Independence is to empower the Provincial Government to negotiate new terms of Alberta’s relationship within or without Canada.
The “Citizens Initiative Act” requires 600,000 signatures collected over a period of not more than 90 days to force a referendum on Alberta’s Independence. Given the difficulty of collecting 600,000 signatories to a petition within 90 days, the simple solution is have more than 600,000 Albertans registered for the petition.
Accordingly, APP, via a massive educational campaign, will grow support for the referendum. Once we have over 600,000 Albertans who support Alberta’s Independence and registered with their “Intent-to-Vote” in favor of forcing a referendum via a petition, we will then present the petition to Elections Alberta for approval. Once approved, canvassers will facilitate the collection of signatures for the petition within the required 90 day timeline.
A successful referendum gives Alberta the leverage of the moral and legal legitimacy to chart a new path forward as an independent “nation” within Canada, or as an Independent Sovereign Constitutional Republic. There is no other leverage, other than a successful referendum on Independence, that gives Alberta any negotiating power. Thus, there is no need to split the vote with any party. The need is to replace all these individuals with someone who will represent their constituents and support freedoms, prosperity and a better future for Alberta.
The obvious problem with a “single member district” and “first past the post” voting system is that in a multiple-popular-candidate election in that SMD, a candidate may be elected with less than 50% of the vote. In such a case a plurality of the voters is not fully represented. The solution for the 2023 election is to ensure that, in every riding, a candidate is elected who will legally commit to protecting Albertans individual freedoms, rights, prosperity, as well as self-determination, and will support holding a referendum on independence. That candidate will also need to commit to implementing the policies, governance, bylaws, and constituency association rules that APP recommends, which will hold the candidate as a member of the legislative assembly subject to immediate recall for failure to do so. The candidate will also need to legally commit to holding an honest referendum on independence.
The simplistic reason the party with the popular vote may not hold power is that the party did not elect the greatest number of candidates. This is a habitual problem with federal elections because of voter rich Quebec and Ontario, the lack of representation by population, and the inhomogeneous political views throughout Canada. The result of this system is always the tyranny of the majority (Quebec and Ontario) over the minority (Alberta), exacerbated by societal rights always trumping individual rights.
Fortunately, Alberta has a more homogeneous population, which is why Albertans overwhelmingly vote Conservative, not Liberal or NDP. Understanding Alberta’s values of individual freedoms and quest for prosperity should result in a massive plurality of Alberta votes to support an independence-focused government. Only a successful referendum on will give Alberta the leverage to chart a new path forward, avoid the dystopian future intended by the Great Reset, and ensure individual freedoms, rights, and prosperity are protected.
The APP recognizes that politicians are subject to corruption. As it stands, loopholes, big government, and flagrant violation of the law though corrupted courts enable politicians to act unjustly to the detriment of the Albertan citizen.
First, to combat this problem, the APP is proposing one of the most robust constitutions ever drafted to, essentially, “handcuff” politicians and judges. Restricted by such a constitution, politicians would only be able to perform their most basic (but vital) functions, namely, serving their constituents to uphold and protect rights and freedoms, and provide ethical governance. And judges would be compelled to follow the rule of law.
Second, the APP is proposing Alberta become a Sovereign Constitutional Republic, rather than the sort of democracy we are harmed by now. This is because a democracy is a rule by men (elected politicians) who are oftentimes very corrupt. But a republic is a rule by law that is, by definition, unchangeable, and infallible. The rights and freedoms of individuals can be violated in democracy; in a republic, they are protected at all costs. More than that, through strict recall and other checks and balances of power, the APP’s proposed bylaws enable voters to remove corrupted officials abdicating their responsibilities and commitments.
In Canada, the Charter of Rights and Freedoms states that “Canada is founded on the Supremacy of God and the Rule of Law”; and in the Alberta Bill of Rights, “Alberta is founded on principles that recognize the Supremacy of God”.
In the United States, reference is made to God or the Creator in the Declaration of Independence and the Pledge of Allegiance, in addition to “In God We Trust” on US currency.
The Alberta Prosperity Project;
The precise answer is that the APP supports whichever monetary system conquers the menace of inflation, guarantees economic stability, and maximizes confidence in the market. Please review the article by Tanner Hnidey, entitled, “Which is better a Gold Standard or Fiat Currency System?”
A gold backed Alberta dollar would be optimal but, at present, Alberta does not have any gold reserves. Accordingly, it would be optimal to start off with the US currency or another strong currency that will not be affected by Alberta secession while we build out our gold reserves as well as other precious metals.
It is important to understand that a successful referendum on Independence will massively devalue the Canadian currency, so Albertans should consider the options available to protect the value of their assets and the purchasing power of their money, however denominated. Because everyone has different valued assets and varying amounts of money, each person/family should seek their own financial advice.
Once Alberta is on a firm footing as an Independent Nation and out of debt, an Alberta currency will be instituted and backed by our natural resources, including gold and other precious metals.
We have planned to create a sovereign Alberta currency which would be backed by gold, and perhaps other precious metals, as well as our massive natural resources. We believe that it could eventually become the strongest currency in the world.
Alberta, as a Sovereign Nation, would require citizens to have an Alberta passport to qualify for the benefits of living in Alberta, such as low taxation and increased pensions, and international travel. Canadians living and working in Alberta, and Alberta based Canadian corporations, would be required to pay Canadian taxes, as well as Alberta taxes. Alberta citizens would only be required to pay low Alberta taxes. More than that, it is critical an independent Alberta enforce voting I.D./passports to vote in elections thereby ensuring the integrity of our democracy.
The corollary to an Alberta currency and passports is the development of Alberta Embassies and Consulates in nations with which we wish to do business and develop trade relationships.
The precise answer is that the APP supports whichever monetary system conquers the menace of inflation, guarantees economic stability, and maximizes confidence in the market. Please review the article by Tanner Hnidey, entitled, “Which is better a Gold Standard or Fiat Currency System?”
Alberta treasures 97.3% of Canada’s proven oil reserves. More than that, 99% of all Canadian oil exports are shipped to America; less than 1% of our exports are shipped to other countries.
As such, it’s immediately evident that an independent Alberta would have no difficulty shipping oil to markets where it’s already traded today.
An independent Alberta would be able to ship more voluminous quantities of oil, not less. This is because we are not presently landlocked, but policy-locked. Regulatory holdup and intrusive government handcuff our ability to construct pipelines necessary to meet our shipping capacity. As such, we currently transport some of our oil by rail, but this is expensive and outmoded, Further, we are required to sell our heavy oil at a discount to offset the cost of shipping.
However, an independent Alberta regulatory framework would facilitate the development of both new upgraders to refine our oil, as well as new pipelines, both of which mitigate environmental concerns, as well as increase the price of oil to WTI prices. New upgraders and a new regulatory structure will also stimulate investment.
Unlike our Federal Government which has funded environmental NGOs to stop the development and transport of Alberta hydrocarbons, a new Aberta government would need to champion our hydrocarbon industry to be elected. Industry would then be freed to exercise all the technology, capital, and investment required to succeed, including state of the art carbon capture. In fact, considering 100% of the Indigenous tribes in northern BC have approved the Northern Gateway Pipeline, it’s probable an independent Alberta would be able to negotiate and complete the pipeline.
The UN Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 under article 124 and 124 gives landlocked countries international leverage for access to tidewater, just like Switzerland. Further, an Independent Alberta would not be without power and control. If Alberta was denied access to tidewater, Alberta could impose massive and crippling tariffs on goods and services passing east and west across our borders. If necessary, Alberta could even block passage altogether, including overflights. Therefore, it would not be in the best interests of the rest of Canada to embargo Alberta. And were it the case that Northern BC, and Saskatchewan and Manitoba joined Alberta, we would have access to tidewater on the west coast, or via Churchill on the Hudson Bay, or both.
In conclusion, shipping our oil to market in an independent Alberta is not a concern. Rather, an independent Alberta is the cure for the denied transport and marketability damaging our oil industry right now.
A gold backed Alberta dollar would be optimal but, at present, Alberta does not have any gold reserves. Accordingly, it would be optimal to start off with the US currency or another strong currency that will not be affected by Alberta secession while we build out our gold reserves as well as other precious metals.
It is important to understand that a successful referendum on Independence will massively devalue the Canadian currency, so Albertans should consider the options available to protect the value of their assets and the purchasing power of their money, however denominated. Because everyone has different valued assets and varying amounts of money, each person/family should seek their own financial advice.
Once Alberta is on a firm footing as an Independent Nation and out of debt, an Alberta currency will be instituted and backed by our natural resources, including gold and other precious metals.
Prior to the bane of regulatory holdup by invasive federal policies and excessive taxation, Alberta was, historically, a massive nexus of investment and during the 70s, was becoming the economic centre of power in Canada. An independent Alberta would again become an irresistible magnet for investment consequent to a regulatory environment that facilitates business development and operation along with the lowest taxation burdens in western civilization coupled to free markets. Alberta will flourish and permit businesses to grow, create jobs and generate wealth. Perhaps most important, a Sovereign Constitutional Republic, Alberta would constitutionally protect investment so that long-term capital-intensive projects could never be shuttered.
With Alberta’s abundance of natural resources which far exceeds that of Texas, and with an inviting regulatory environment, Alberta would once again become the Texas of the North, and would always be angling to outdo other jurisdictions, including Texas, as the freest most prosperous nation in the world to live, work, raise a family, or start a business. Alberta also has far more diverse and extensive natural resources than Texas, which translates into far greater opportunity for investment.
Finally, Texas has 29.9 million people, and Alberta has only 4.46 million people on nearly the identical land area. The Opportunity is here for far greater and more rapid growth.
Albertans should not be surprised when parties, organizations, or special interest groups opposed to independence cite facts and figures supposedly weakening the rationale and merits of . These attacks are nothing more than “scare tactics” meant to entice the voter to vote the same as they have for decades. For example, one of the arguments against independence one might hear is, “38% of Albertans voted in favour of equalization, i.e., sending money to Ottawa.
Such an argument is flawed for a few reasons.
1.Equalization and Independence are not the Same Issues:
Equalization concerns fiscal transfers and issues of taxation. This is confusing for many people, and they are often unaware of how it affects them directly. On the contrary, the question of independence is plain, “Does one want a rule by law, freedom, and justice, or does one want to be ruled by unjust governance, unfair deals, and corrupt politicians?”
2. 62% of Albertans Voted for Ending Equalization
To argue “almost 40% of Albertans voted in favour [the recent referendum] of sending money to Ottawa” is the same thing as saying, “almost 60% of Albertans didn’t vote in favour of sending money to Ottawa.” Moreover. Less than 1/3 of the voting public voted.
3. Time is Dynamic:
It is a fallacy to assume that just because 40% of Albertans voted for equalization at once, that they will do so again. Elections are cyclical precisely because people’s preferences and decisions change. The vote to end equalization was almost a year ago. Much has transpired and changed since then. Bank accounts have been frozen, assets have been seized, and peaceful protestors have been incarcerated. People’s emotions, sentiments, and feelings change according to what’s happening in the country.
4. More Education is Needed
Suffice to say, equalization is a more complicated topic than expected, and the question on the ballot was poorly worded as well. The APP strives to educate all Albertans on the merits of independence and issues like equalization. Success means stopping politicians from taking advantage of uninformed or confused Albertans.
To that end, we are advocating for a referendum on independence to give Alberta the leverage to chart a new path forward. A successful referendum on Independence gives Alberta, for the first time, the leverage to negotiate with Ottawa and the other provinces from a position of strength. Finally, although the data needs to be updated, based on the most recent polling reported by Mainstream research on October 19, 2021, 47% of decided voters polled already favoured independence; that was before the momentous events of the past two months where The House of Commons once again proved it acts dictatorially. As such, we invite all Albertans to join our journey towards a free and prosperous Alberta.
Please consider signing the petition for a referendum on independence on our website via this link under the education section.
The APP recognizes that Alberta Independence is impossible without the support of Alberta’s Indigenous People. Please note that Lawrence Courtereille, VP of Indigenous Sovereignty is a proud member of the APP Board. Lawrence has been the elected Chief of the Mikisew First Nations Cree Band and has had a stellar business career and a national profile. In addition to Lawrence, Mr. Jeff Rath, VP General Counsel, and a Constitutional Lawyer, has worked on behalf of Indigenous people for over 30 years, all the way to the Supreme Court. Both Lawrence and Jeff are confident that 95% of the indigenous population of Alberta will support Alberta Independence once they understand the rationale and merits. For more information, please review the section in the Proposed Policy and Governance Document on our website that pertains to our proposed Indigenous policy.
“I’m not upset that you lied to me, I’m upset that from now on I cannot believe you” Friedrich Nietzsche
This statement by Friedrich Nietzsche is at the heart of why we have lost trust in government, as we know it and have experienced it. Governments of all types have lost our trust because of corruption, inept governance, discal impropriety, and they have promised one thing and done another. They have perpetually lied to us.
The APP understands that the Provincial and Federal Governments have abrogated their responsibilities to every Albertan. All trust has been broken; all assurances of goodwill on the part of government are met with uncertainty. The people of Alberta are not to blame for forfeiting trust. For decades, governments have actively manoeuvred their bureaucrats, politicians, and influential leaders into positions that now facilitate our harm.
To that end, it is never a guarantee that a politician will be morally just. On the contrary, it is almost certain that he will be corrupt. To combat this problem, the APP recommends that Alberta transitions to a Sovereign Constitutional Republic. The APP wants the citizens of Alberta to be ruled by law in a “justice system”, not politicians. On page 6 of the APP’s Proposed Policies and Governance for the Sovereign Nation of Alberta, it states: “all citizens have the right to live free in a civil society that recognizes the Supremacy of God and the rule of law,”
Thus, the APP that a sovereign Alberta recognizes the Supremacy of God as the standard of right and wrong, which is foundational to the rule of law and civil society. This standard is incorruptible precisely because it transcends mankind and is the foundation of moral civilization?
Adopting this standard protects Albertans in many ways. Most clearly, it enables us to implement checks and balance on the politician’s power. If an MLA is acting disharmoniously with this law, he is acting corruptly. To remove that corrupted politician from office, the bylaws and the governance section of the Policy & Governance document introduce very robust recall mechanisms to hold elected officials and appointed bureaucrats accountable like never before.
Accordingly, the APP supports elected officials who are committed to, and will state publicly, that they will uphold individual freedoms and rights, protect Alberta’s prosperity and self-determination, and immediately take control of that which can be done within the Canadian constitution: policing, pensions, immigration, employment insurance, and provincial tax collection, which sets the stage for federal tac collection.
Finally, the provincial government can only regain our trust if they are actively educating Albertans, along with the APP, on the necessity for a successful referendum on Alberta Independence. Trust will finally be won when the politician proves his allegiance to the people of Alberta and the law through the realization of a successful referendum on independence.
In Canada, the Charter of Rights and Freedoms states that “Canada is founded on the Supremacy of God and the Rule of Law”; and in the Alberta Bill of Rights, “Alberta is founded on principles that recognize the Supremacy of God”.
In the United States, reference is made to God or the Creator in the Declaration of Independence and the Pledge of Allegiance, in addition to “In God We Trust” on US currency.
The Alberta Prosperity Project;
The concern of the WEF – UN contract entitled “Agenda 2030”, is a legitimate concern to all Albertans, if not all people in the of the world, for the following reasons:
1. The Great Reset is a highly influential movement by global elitists in the WEF and UN under “Agenda 2030” to “reset” the world economy, implement a one world digital currency and digital ID, as well as restructure the social order with a social credit system using banks, government programs, along with environmental, social, and governance metrics to control billions of people in their every move, in all of their transactions, in every purchase, in every bureaucratic practice, and in every activity.
2. Citizens everywhere will be pinned, catalogued, categorized, tracked, and controlled. They will be granted permissions based on their “social credit score” via their smartphone to shop, travel, attend a concert or event, congregate, and speak, but may not be able to own property. If the founder of the WEF, Klaus Schwab is willing to publicly state “you will own nothing, and be happy”, believe it.
3. The APP recognizes that the advance of the WEF is one of the most pressing threats to freedom and democracy today. Please see the following diagram.
4. The WEF-UN Agenda 2030 also intends to implement a universal income for those greater than 17 years of age, which will allow them only to survive, to buy only what others have already decided to put up for sale. This will disincentivize the need for an education, and dignity of work for those individuals and will create a permanent underclass who do nothing and who will be controlled by the elites.
5. This WEF – UN agenda will serve to establish the dictatorship of the dystopian New World Order, one world government, and eliminate any trace of religion.
6. While the purpose of the “Great Reset” is disenguously altruistic, it is in fact just the antithesis of what it claims. The great reset dehumanizes people and tramples individuality. Thus, worries and concerns about the “Great Reset” and “Building Back Better” are legitimate and not at all unwarranted. To that end, Alberta’s independent constitutional republic will not endorse, encourage, tolerate, or implement any component of the tyrannical measures that will result in the dystopian future envisioned by the WEF and the United Nations.
An independent Alberta will constitutionally protect the individual rights and freedoms of all Albertans. By preventing the “Great Reset,” Alberta will be an example for the rest of the world as the most free and prosperous nation in the world to live, work, raise a family, or start a business.
In conclusion, it is not often that we know the future, but we do now, if we do nothing. APP believes that informed Albertans will avoid at all costs this dystopian elite-controlled future and get onboard the high-speed “prosperity train” to protect their interests, freedoms, and prosperity. “High speed” because we don’t have much time to save ourselves and this beautiful and bountiful province. Today, more than ever, it is essential that people realize that it is no longer possible to passively resist. It is necessary to take a position, to fight for freedom, and to demand respect for natural freedoms, such as life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness.
The UN Charter of the Seas is just one of the levers that Alberta has at its disposal to get its products access to tidewater. As far as the WTO is concerned, any risk here will be mitigated by membership in the Commonwealth, US support, and demand for our products.
More than that, Alberta has the 3rd largest proven oil reserves in the world, along with extensive forestry, agriculture, and beef exports. Our trade is vital for the well-being of surrounding nations (like America), and the rest of Canada. Any attempt to suffocate our trade would harm prodigious powers on the global stage and will therefore be avoided. Finally, we would be self-sufficient, if necessary.
Alberta’s independent constitutional republic will not endorse, encourage, tolerate, or implement any component of the tyrannical and dystopian future envisioned by the WEF and the United Nations. The APP vehemently rejects a digital I.D., social credit score, and digital currency. Accordingly, APP members must evaluate what political entities will best protect their interests, individual freedoms and rights, and prosperity prior to the 2023 election.
The APP intends to educate all Albertans, businesses and organization on the rationale and merits of independence; either within Canada or, independence untethered to Canada. Given the hurdles to change the constitution to benefit Alberta and it’s citizens, it becomes self-evident that the best path forward for Alberta is to get out from under all federal control.
Our goal is for the APP members to understand which MLAs and which political entities will best protect their individual freedoms, rights, prosperity, and self-determination, and will also commit to holding an honest referendum on Alberta Independence no later than the mid-term municipal elections. This independence-focused party will also have to commit to never instituting a digital ID or embracing a one-world digital currency. (To protect the Alberta currency, it will need to be backed. An Aberta Sovereign Currency backed by a gold standard will eventually become the strongest currency in the world, which will significantly increase our purchasing power.
APP, with 500,000 to 1,000,000 or more members can prevent the Great Reset from being imposed in Alberta. By educating our members on the rationale and merits of independence, we enable them to vote for a party that will guarantee to protect their individual freedoms and prosperity. APP itself is not a political party, but with 500,000 to 1,000,000 or more members can control the outcome of the 2023 election.
We are at a water-shed moment in history in which our two choices are “freedom and prosperity” versus “slavery to the dictates of communism and government control as planned for with the “Great Reset”. It is in every Albertan’s interest to support the APP as we share the message of hope for our future and come together for a common cause.
Not that APP is aware of. A couple of years ago he was trying to get a petition going to “Stop the Great Reset”, which fizzled out.
No matter who assumes the Canadian Federal Throne on Parliament Hill, Alberta will never be able to receive a fair deal in Canada without a referendum on independence. This is because our problem is not primarily ideological (though, to be stated, being governed with sound ideology is superior to destructive ideology), but structural. The diversification of MPs in parliament is of no consequence for Alberta; structural imbalances perpetually tip the scales in favour of the east.
For example, the uneven distribution of seats in government (1 seat/41 000 individuals in PEI and 1 seat/120 000 individuals in Alberta) ( What this means is that:
Over the course of Alberta’s 116 years of existence, not one federal party has protected Alberta’s interests, prosperity, or self-determination. No matter who is in charge in Ottawa, nothing will change for Alberta with our current circumstances in confederation.
The “Canada Health Act” is an overfunded, under-performing, bureaucratic nightmare preventing creative solutions, improved access, high quality, and low-cost healthcare to Albertans everywhere. The APS’s Chairman, Dr. Dennis Modry, was one of Canada’s foremost medical professionals for 30 years. While practising in Alberta, he identified numerous opportunities for improvement that he later articulated in his essay Medicare is Killing Us: Re-engineering the Canadian HealthCare System prepared specifically for Premier Ralph Klein and his caucus. Unfortunately, the government did not implement the recommendations due to fear of union and socialist pushback. For a comprehensive list of polices the APP proposes to reform the healthcare system, such as funding following the patient, please visit the “Healthcare” section in the APP’s policy and governance documents at
We have planned to create a sovereign Alberta currency which would be backed by gold, and perhaps other precious metals, as well as our massive natural resources. We believe that it could eventually become the strongest currency in the world.
Alberta, as a Sovereign Nation, would require citizens to have an Alberta passport to qualify for the benefits of living in Alberta, such as low taxation and increased pensions, and international travel. Canadians living and working in Alberta, and Alberta based Canadian corporations, would be required to pay Canadian taxes, as well as Alberta taxes. Alberta citizens would only be required to pay low Alberta taxes. More than that, it is critical an independent Alberta enforce voting I.D./passports to vote in elections thereby ensuring the integrity of our democracy.
The corollary to an Alberta currency and passports is the development of Alberta Embassies and Consulates in nations with which we wish to do business and develop trade relationships.
A military attack on Alberta by Canadian forces is simply a scare tactic.
Here are the facts:
Alberta’s independent constitutional republic will not endorse, encourage, tolerate, or implement any component of the tyrannical and dystopian future envisioned by the WEF and the United Nations. The APP vehemently rejects a digital I.D., social credit score, and digital currency. Accordingly, APP members must evaluate what political entities will best protect their interests, individual freedoms and rights, and prosperity prior to the 2023 election.
The APP intends to educate all Albertans, businesses and organization on the rationale and merits of independence; either within Canada or, independence untethered to Canada. Given the hurdles to change the constitution to benefit Alberta and it’s citizens, it becomes self-evident that the best path forward for Alberta is to get out from under all federal control.
Our goal is for the APP members to understand which MLAs and which political entities will best protect their individual freedoms, rights, prosperity, and self-determination, and will also commit to holding an honest referendum on Alberta Independence no later than the mid-term municipal elections. This independence-focused party will also have to commit to never instituting a digital ID or embracing a one-world digital currency. (To protect the Alberta currency, it will need to be backed. An Aberta Sovereign Currency backed by a gold standard will eventually become the strongest currency in the world, which will significantly increase our purchasing power.
APP, with 500,000 to 1,000,000 or more members can prevent the Great Reset from being imposed in Alberta. By educating our members on the rationale and merits of independence, we enable them to vote for a party that will guarantee to protect their individual freedoms and prosperity. APP itself is not a political party, but with 500,000 to 1,000,000 or more members can control the outcome of the 2023 election.
We are at a water-shed moment in history in which our two choices are “freedom and prosperity” versus “slavery to the dictates of communism and government control as planned for with the “Great Reset”. It is in every Albertan’s interest to support the APP as we share the message of hope for our future and come together for a common cause.
1. Prior to a successful referendum on Independence, negotiations will take place with the military in Alberta regarding the transition to an Alberta Military that will swear allegiance to Alberta. Preliminary plans have been developed for an Alberta military, which may also be aligned with the US military.
2. Alberta would support NORAD and other international agreements that are in Alberta’s interests.
3. Alberta will develop its own military and negotiate with Canada to take control of all military bases in Alberta.
4. Alberta will also have its own police force, ending the RCMP contract.
A military attack on Alberta by Canadian forces is simply a scare tactic.
Here are the facts:
We are still “free” to vote now, but time is running out to save Alberta, as well as our individual freedoms, rights, and prosperity. Therefore, it is critical that every Albertan vote in 2023 to elect a government that will absolutely protect and enhance the individual freedoms, rights, and prosperity of all Albertans, protect the self-determination of Alberta, and that will hold an honest referendum on independence. A successful referendum on Alberta Independence will give Alberta the moral and legal legitimacy to chart a new path forward which will protect in perpetuity individual freedoms and rights.
We are committed listening to our members so that we might achieve our mission to “engage, inform, educate, and inspire all Albertans, businesses and organizations on the rationale and merits of independence. We are grateful for your questions, comments, and suggestions helping us learn how we will make independence happen, how we will assuage the concerns of those about Alberta Independence and, most importantly, heal those who have been so aggrieved mentally, emotionally, and economically by the actions of uncaring federal and provincial elected officials.
Albertans should not be surprised when parties, organizations, or special interest groups opposed to independence cite facts and figures supposedly weakening the rationale and merits of . These attacks are nothing more than “scare tactics” meant to entice the voter to vote the same as they have for decades. For example, one of the arguments against independence one might hear is, “38% of Albertans voted in favour of equalization, i.e., sending money to Ottawa.
Such an argument is flawed for a few reasons.
1.Equalization and Independence are not the Same Issues:
Equalization concerns fiscal transfers and issues of taxation. This is confusing for many people, and they are often unaware of how it affects them directly. On the contrary, the question of independence is plain, “Does one want a rule by law, freedom, and justice, or does one want to be ruled by unjust governance, unfair deals, and corrupt politicians?”
2. 62% of Albertans Voted for Ending Equalization
To argue “almost 40% of Albertans voted in favour [the recent referendum] of sending money to Ottawa” is the same thing as saying, “almost 60% of Albertans didn’t vote in favour of sending money to Ottawa.” Moreover. Less than 1/3 of the voting public voted.
3. Time is Dynamic:
It is a fallacy to assume that just because 40% of Albertans voted for equalization at once, that they will do so again. Elections are cyclical precisely because people’s preferences and decisions change. The vote to end equalization was almost a year ago. Much has transpired and changed since then. Bank accounts have been frozen, assets have been seized, and peaceful protestors have been incarcerated. People’s emotions, sentiments, and feelings change according to what’s happening in the country.
4. More Education is Needed
Suffice to say, equalization is a more complicated topic than expected, and the question on the ballot was poorly worded as well. The APP strives to educate all Albertans on the merits of independence and issues like equalization. Success means stopping politicians from taking advantage of uninformed or confused Albertans.
To that end, we are advocating for a referendum on independence to give Alberta the leverage to chart a new path forward. A successful referendum on Independence gives Alberta, for the first time, the leverage to negotiate with Ottawa and the other provinces from a position of strength. Finally, although the data needs to be updated, based on the most recent polling reported by Mainstream research on October 19, 2021, 47% of decided voters polled already favoured independence; that was before the momentous events of the past two months where The House of Commons once again proved it acts dictatorially. As such, we invite all Albertans to join our journey towards a free and prosperous Alberta.
Please consider signing the petition for a referendum on independence on our website via this link under the education section.
We don’t have the luxury of time before we lose our individual freedoms, rights, and prosperity, and to save this amazing province. And no federal or provincial government has ever protected Alberta’s freedom and prosperity since it’s inception into confederation. We started as a colony in 1905, and we continue to be a colony 116 years later, and we continue to be pillaged and plundered for the benefit of the east.
We already know that the federal government intends to end our oil and gas industry by 2030, which will reduce the average income of Albertans by at least 1/3, according to Jack Mintz, the Chair of Public policy at the University of Calgary. (Financial Post, Nov 11, 2021). And a more recent Angus Reid survey reported on Jan 4, 2022, that 73% of Albertans are disillusioned by the federal government. Provincially, the UCP has not even implanted one of the recommendations of the “Fair Deal Panel”. If “conventional government” won’t protect us, who will?
We also know the game plan of those who would suppress us in perpetuity. The Great Reset is a highly influential movement by the global elitists of the WEF and the UN under “Agenda 2030” to “reset” the world economy, implement a one world digital currency and restructure the social order using banks,, government programs, and environmental, social, and governance metrics to control billions of people in their every move, in all of their transactions, in every purchase, in every bureaucratic practice, and in every activity, People will be pinned, catalogued, categorized, tracked and controlled. Your assigned social credit score will determine what permissions you are granted in society by the government. The WEF and UN advance upon Canada via the “Great Reset” is no longer a conspiracy but is a clear and present danger to remake society everywhere with a one-world socialist/Marxist governance structure.
The WEF-UN “Agenda 2030″ has already begun. The federal government has just announced its intention to implement a digital ID, one component of the Great Reset. A one-world digital currency is next, along with a social credit score to change the fabric of how society operates completely controlled by the government.
Many Albertans recognize (and this number will only increase as the APP unveils its massive educational campaign) that we are at a constitutional precipice. We have two choices before us: Albertans can return to the old way of life, oppressed by high taxation, invasive regulatory policy, and unjust federal law, or we can adventure, together, into a new constitutional republic with low taxation, free markets, and laws of justice. Decades of voting for the “same old same old” has generated nothing of value for our province. The structural imbalances of confederation and the impossibility of changing the Canadian Constitution means that Alberta cannot better its fortunes within confederation. Instead, we need something new, something better! The APP is convinced this new way of life is generated by independence.
However, by electing an independence-focused government that will guarantee to protect our individual freedoms, rights, and prosperity and Alberta’s self-determination, we will have hope. Once that government takes control of policing, pensions, employment insurance, immigration, and provincial tax collection, we will have even greater hope. And with a successful referendum on independence, Alberta will have, for the first time, negotiating power (leverage), to chart a new path forward. Hope will be realized and Alberta will finally be able to parley with Ottawa and the other provinces on what Alberta wants, and, should 6 to 12 months of negotiation fail, Alberta will become a new Sovereign Constitutional Republic.
Today, more than ever, it is essential that Albertans realize that it is no longer possible to passively resist. It is necessary to take a position, to fight for freedom, to demand respect for natural freedoms, such as life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness. Even more important is to understand that the dystopia of the New World Order serves to establish a dictatorship and eliminate any trace of religion. Accordingly, we do not have “years” to save ourselves. We know the future, and we can already hear the rush of the ‘falls”.
We have had ostensibly strong conservative governments both federally and provincially in the past, but the reality is that no federal or Alberta government has ever protected Alberta’s interests or future prosperity in 116 years. Given that we are now facing the abyss of the Great Reset and the end of energy security, why should anyone expect that a conservative government, federal or provincial, will do anything different to protect Alberta, unless they are compelled to?
The purpose of the referendum on Alberta’s Independence is to empower the Provincial Government to negotiate new terms of Alberta’s relationship within or without Canada.
The “Citizens Initiative Act” requires 600,000 signatures collected over a period of not more than 90 days to force a referendum on Alberta’s Independence. Given the difficulty of collecting 600,000 signatories to a petition within 90 days, the simple solution is have more than 600,000 Albertans registered for the petition.
Accordingly, APP, via a massive educational campaign, will grow support for the referendum. Once we have over 600,000 Albertans who support Alberta’s Independence and registered with their “Intent-to-Vote” in favor of forcing a referendum via a petition, we will then present the petition to Elections Alberta for approval. Once approved, canvassers will facilitate the collection of signatures for the petition within the required 90 day timeline.
A successful referendum gives Alberta the leverage of the moral and legal legitimacy to chart a new path forward as an independent “nation” within Canada, or as an Independent Sovereign Constitutional Republic. There is no other leverage, other than a successful referendum on Independence, that gives Alberta any negotiating power. Thus, there is no need to split the vote with any party. The need is to replace all these individuals with someone who will represent their constituents and support freedoms, prosperity and a better future for Alberta.
We have planned to create a sovereign Alberta currency which would be backed by gold, and perhaps other precious metals, as well as our massive natural resources. We believe that it could eventually become the strongest currency in the world.
Alberta, as a Sovereign Nation, would require citizens to have an Alberta passport to qualify for the benefits of living in Alberta, such as low taxation and increased pensions, and international travel. Canadians living and working in Alberta, and Alberta based Canadian corporations, would be required to pay Canadian taxes, as well as Alberta taxes. Alberta citizens would only be required to pay low Alberta taxes. More than that, it is critical an independent Alberta enforce voting I.D./passports to vote in elections thereby ensuring the integrity of our democracy.
The corollary to an Alberta currency and passports is the development of Alberta Embassies and Consulates in nations with which we wish to do business and develop trade relationships.
This question is unclear; therefore, we answer it based on two different interpretations.
First Interpretation.
If we assume that this question relates to Alberta joining the United States, since reference was made to “getting behind a Republican Movement”, Alberta, as a Sovereign Constitutional Republic cannot really ”get behind” any political movement in another country. However, if the citizens in Alberta at some point in the future decided to hold a referendum on joining the US, the “will” of Albertans would then prevail. To be clear, that is not what APP is advocating. APP believes that a much brighter future for all Albertans can be realized in short order as an independent nation.
Second Interpretation.
Here we assume that the question relates to clarification of the difference between a “democracy” versus a “republic”. The critical difference between a democracy and a republic is that a democracy is a rule by the majority, whereas a republic is a rule by law.
The word “democracy” is a combination of the Greek words’ demos meaning “people,” and kratos meaning “government.” Thus, a democracy is “Government by the people.”
In a democracy, the majority gives authority to elected and appointed officials. The whims of parliament and bureaucrats determine the law. In this, laws are political, progressive, and subject to change based on the rule of the majority.
The word “republic” is of Latin origin and is a combination of the word’s res (meaning “interest”) and public, meaning “everybody.” Thus, “republic” means “In everyone’s interest.”
Unlike a democracy, the essence of a republic is a rule by law. The law is made in a democracy; the law is discovered in a republic. The rights of the individual, not the majority, are emphasized, protected, and maximized in a republic. Theoretically, a democratic government (a democracy) has unlimited power subject only to the majority will of the people. In a republic, the power of government is severely limited through the constitution and codified laws to ensure the bureaucracy can only engage in its limited, though critical, function of protecting rights.
Democracy has been described by Sir Winston Churchill as “The worst form of government, except for everything else” What Churchill left out was why he came to that conclusion. But it is clear and easy to understand. The problem with a democracy is the “tyranny of the majority over the minority”. Here, societal rights trump individual rights, as interpreted in Section 1 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The Charter should have stated that Individual Rights and Freedoms will always be paramount and unassailably protected by law in the Constitution.
Further, Alexander Tytler noted that “A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will exist until the majority discovers that it can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that point on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse over loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by socialism/Marxism/communism and dictatorship”.
The APP is convinced Albertans are ready for a switch from a democracy to a republic. We do not believe this will take a generation, but rather, we believe it can happen right now! Our individual rights would not be restricted, but championed and upheld. Indeed, as we’ve endured a democratic government enacting emergency acts, lockdowns, and banking seizures, there has never been a more perfect opportunity to present a republic to the peoples of Alberta. (for more info on the differences between a republic and a democracy, see
A new, robust, Constitution of Alberta with extensive checks and balances on power is currently being drafted for the Alberta public to review and weigh in on. The new Constitution will ensure that elected officials and unelected bureaucrats always uphold the following values: accountability, responsibility, honesty, competency, transparency, and respectfulness as public servants, and to hold their office with dignity and integrity. All officials will sign a “Code of Conduct” to ensure that they clearly understand their responsibilities and how they will be held accountable, and potentially subject to recall unlike any current policy of any political party. Elected officials will be responsible to implement the policies for which they were elected and, failing to do so, along with complicit bureaucrats, will be subject to recall in a manner more robust and immediate than has hitherto existed. These recall measures are documented in the proposed “Party Bylaws” document and in the governance section of the proposed “Policy and Governance” document on the website.
The public will have the final word on the new Constitution of Alberta. The suggestion to abrogate the pensions for those elected or appointed officials who “transgress the Constitution” may well be included if that is the will of the voters.
We are still “free” to vote now, but time is running out to save Alberta, as well as our individual freedoms, rights, and prosperity. Therefore, it is critical that every Albertan vote in 2023 to elect a government that will absolutely protect and enhance the individual freedoms, rights, and prosperity of all Albertans, protect the self-determination of Alberta, and that will hold an honest referendum on independence. A successful referendum on Alberta Independence will give Alberta the moral and legal legitimacy to chart a new path forward which will protect in perpetuity individual freedoms and rights.
This quote by Stuart Chase attempts to identify a dichotomy between people in terms of their ability to change their mind based on evidence. In essence, both parts of the quote say the same thing, i.e., “Nothing, including evidence, will change that person’s mind (no proof is necessary, or possible)”, except that the 2nd part of the quote assumes that no evidence will ever be provided. Let’s then apply this logic to:
1. Those who believe that a dystopian future is inevitable assumes that they will accept their fate (a dystopian future) since they believe that it cannot be avoided, regardless of what evidence is provided to the contrary = cognitive dissonance. This group of people may welcome the great socialist reset, whether they understand the implications, or not. On the other hand, we don’t know categorically whether some or many of these people will change their mind until we creatively engage with them and provide a more inspiring narrative from every media platform, which we intend to do. .
2. Those who don’t believe that the future will be dystopian, and no proof of what is coming can possibly be provided = cognitive dissonance. In this case, however, there is a now a massive amount of evidence at hand that a dystopian future is in the cards if we do nothing. The implications for individuals and society are clear, which may be sufficiently persuasive for people to stand against the Great Reset, and the plundering of Alberta. APP’s job is to engage, educate and inspire these folks on the rationale and merits of independence, how we will make it happen, and how we will assuage the concerns of independence.
The key question for APP is can we overcome cognitive dissonance and provide sufficient evidence for Albertans to want to protect their individual freedoms, rights, prosperity, and self-determination. So far, the evidence strongly suggests that we can change the hearts and minds of people when they understand what they will lose if we do nothing, and what they will gain by Alberta becoming an independent sovereign nation. It really gets back to the fundamental question of “What’s in it for me” in an Independent Alberta, and “what do I lose in a dystopian future?”
If we apply this to the rural and urban populations, APP assumes, based on evidence, that people will change their mind if the evidence is compelling in terms of what they will lose remaining in Canada and what they will gain in an Independent Alberta. While it may seem that there is an impossible urban-rural political divide, we at APP believe that most Albertans want to protect their individual freedoms, rights, prosperity, and self-determination, regardless of locale, and will unite for common cause. Our task is to explain what is at stake for all Albertans in the rural and urban communities. The difference is that we will need to make a much greater effort in the major urban communities, which is planned. “If we can dream it, we can do it. It always seems impossible until it is done”. (Nelson Mandela).
We also believe that there are those who want Alberta to remain in Canada but with a much better deal and control of our wealth, as well as control of government programs unfettered by the federal government. And then there are those who are convinced that Alberta should become an independent Sovereign Constitutional Republic. With both paradigms, neither outcome can be achieved without leverage, and the only leverage possible to fix Alberta’s circumstances within confederation or permit Alberta to chart a new path forward as an independent sovereign nation is the leverage of a successful referendum on independence. Such a mandate by the people of Alberta provides the moral and legal legitimacy to negotiate with Ottawa and the other provinces from a position of strength.
APP is on the cusp of commencing a full court press, a massive program to educate Albertans on the rationale and merits of independence (within or without Canada), how we will make it happen, and how we will assuage the concerns of people about “independence”. We believe that our message will resonate with rural and urban citizens alike. We believe that people of all political stripes want
freedom and prosperity, and a better standard of living and quality of life. Our task is to educate them. We are agnostic to which party embraces the policies and governance that we are advocating. And we already have NDP, UCP and Independence party supporters.
In conclusion, we are advocating for peaceful revolution to save Alberta.
“I’m not upset that you lied to me, I’m upset that from now on I cannot believe you” Friedrich Nietzsche
This statement by Friedrich Nietzsche is at the heart of why we have lost trust in government, as we know it and have experienced it. Governments of all types have lost our trust because of corruption, inept governance, discal impropriety, and they have promised one thing and done another. They have perpetually lied to us.
The APP understands that the Provincial and Federal Governments have abrogated their responsibilities to every Albertan. All trust has been broken; all assurances of goodwill on the part of government are met with uncertainty. The people of Alberta are not to blame for forfeiting trust. For decades, governments have actively manoeuvred their bureaucrats, politicians, and influential leaders into positions that now facilitate our harm.
To that end, it is never a guarantee that a politician will be morally just. On the contrary, it is almost certain that he will be corrupt. To combat this problem, the APP recommends that Alberta transitions to a Sovereign Constitutional Republic. The APP wants the citizens of Alberta to be ruled by law in a “justice system”, not politicians. On page 6 of the APP’s Proposed Policies and Governance for the Sovereign Nation of Alberta, it states: “all citizens have the right to live free in a civil society that recognizes the Supremacy of God and the rule of law,”
Thus, the APP that a sovereign Alberta recognizes the Supremacy of God as the standard of right and wrong, which is foundational to the rule of law and civil society. This standard is incorruptible precisely because it transcends mankind and is the foundation of moral civilization?
Adopting this standard protects Albertans in many ways. Most clearly, it enables us to implement checks and balance on the politician’s power. If an MLA is acting disharmoniously with this law, he is acting corruptly. To remove that corrupted politician from office, the bylaws and the governance section of the Policy & Governance document introduce very robust recall mechanisms to hold elected officials and appointed bureaucrats accountable like never before.
Accordingly, the APP supports elected officials who are committed to, and will state publicly, that they will uphold individual freedoms and rights, protect Alberta’s prosperity and self-determination, and immediately take control of that which can be done within the Canadian constitution: policing, pensions, immigration, employment insurance, and provincial tax collection, which sets the stage for federal tac collection.
Finally, the provincial government can only regain our trust if they are actively educating Albertans, along with the APP, on the necessity for a successful referendum on Alberta Independence. Trust will finally be won when the politician proves his allegiance to the people of Alberta and the law through the realization of a successful referendum on independence.
Not that APP is aware of. A couple of years ago he was trying to get a petition going to “Stop the Great Reset”, which fizzled out.
No matter who assumes the Canadian Federal Throne on Parliament Hill, Alberta will never be able to receive a fair deal in Canada without a referendum on independence. This is because our problem is not primarily ideological (though, to be stated, being governed with sound ideology is superior to destructive ideology), but structural. The diversification of MPs in parliament is of no consequence for Alberta; structural imbalances perpetually tip the scales in favour of the east.
For example, the uneven distribution of seats in government (1 seat/41 000 individuals in PEI and 1 seat/120 000 individuals in Alberta) ( What this means is that:
Over the course of Alberta’s 116 years of existence, not one federal party has protected Alberta’s interests, prosperity, or self-determination. No matter who is in charge in Ottawa, nothing will change for Alberta with our current circumstances in confederation.
We are committed listening to our members so that we might achieve our mission to “engage, inform, educate, and inspire all Albertans, businesses and organizations on the rationale and merits of independence. We are grateful for your questions, comments, and suggestions helping us learn how we will make independence happen, how we will assuage the concerns of those about Alberta Independence and, most importantly, heal those who have been so aggrieved mentally, emotionally, and economically by the actions of uncaring federal and provincial elected officials.
The APP aims to create an independence movement so massive that APP will control the outcome of the 2023 election. No party can ignore 1,000,000 APP members, or more, if they wish to be elected. The options for APP Albertans at present are unclear due to the confusion around the UCP leadership and, as well, that there are at least 3 independence parties. Regardless, APP can compel the:
The additional focus of APP is to unify the various organizations and societies advocating for individual freedoms, rights, and prosperity to assist in educating Albertans. Wanting to protect individual freedoms and prosperity should be non-partisan and, hence, unifying.
We are often asked how our strategy will avoid “Splitting the vote?” The question is welcome. First, it is necessary to note that it will be used as a “scare tactic” by the UCP and other parties to prevent an independence vote. However, a professor from Harvard, Erica Chenoweth, released a paper stating societal movements by 3.5% of the population actively participating will result in a political change of direction of that society. As Premier Klein once remarked, “find a parade and get in front of it”. We are creating that parade, that movement.
Indeed, When the UCP was elected, the party had 120,000 members, which is 3.5% of the voting public (3,400,000 citizens). The APP intends to grow its membership to 500,000 to 1,000,000 (or more) Albertans who will not only influence the outcome of the 2023 election but ensure that the government elected will implement the policies, governance, and bylaws that the APP membership supports, including the commitment to hold an honest referendum on Alberta Independence.
Thus, with 500 000—1 000 000 Albertans (33% of the voting population) convinced of the merits of independence, and therefore voting to protect their individual interests and prosperity, vote splitting will not be an issue.
The APP is a non-profit and non-partisan educational project; it has no intention of becoming a “political party.” Neither do we support any specific political party because we would then be deemed a “political action committee” and subject to Elections Alberta’s contribution limits.
APP’s purpose is to engage, inform, educate, and inspire all Albertans, businesses, and organizations to protect their interests, their individual freedoms, rights, and prosperity by enabling Alberta to chart a new path forward as an Independent Sovereign Constitutional Republic.
While we recognize that many Albertans would like Alberta to remain in Canada, but with a much better deal that gives Alberta control of its wealth and all government programs, the evidence is irrefutable that it is impossible to achieve based on Alberta’s history in confederation, the structural electoral imbalance, and the impossibility to change the Canadian Constitution.
Accordingly, APP via a massive educational campaign will grow its membership to 500,000 to 1,000,000 or more Albertans who will then have the potential to influence the outcome of the 2023 provincial election and compel a subsequent referendum on Alberta Independence. A successful referendum gives Alberta the leverage of the moral and legal legitimacy to chart a new path forward as an independent “nation” within Canada, or as an Independent Sovereign Constitutional Republic. There is no other leverage, other than a successful referendum on Independence, that gives Alberta any negotiating power.
In conclusion, our task is to educate Albertans on the rationale and merits of Independence, the importance of leverage, and to vote for a party that will guarantee that individual freedoms, rights, prosperity and self-determination will be protected, and as government implement the policies, governance, and bylaws that we recommend on our website. Which political party that our members vote for will be up to every APP member. If all APP members vote in one direction, they will change the history of Alberta and preserve our individual freedoms and rights, and our quest for prosperity for all.
A rapid review of various agencies is required to ensure that they are acting in the best interests of Albertans. Although APP is not a political party, we have proposed policies that we expect a strong independence-focused party will adopt.
For example, we know that AHS performance is in the lowest quartile and their costs are in the highest quartile. Our proposed Policy and Governance document on the website defines what we envision in a highly functioning healthcare system. Inefficiencies occur at every level of health care delivery, and we have defined them as well as the solutions in a white paper on fixing healthcare for the benefit of Albertans. We know how to solve the problem of access and, at the same time, improve performance and cost.
With respect to ATB and Credit Unions based in Alberta, they will be regulated under Alberta legislation only. Other Canadian Banks operating in Alberta will also come under Alberta regulatory authority which will supersede Canadian authority to operate in Alberta.
Regarding the ATA, the education policies that we will implement from the Policy and Governance Document on our website will ensure the highest quality educational standards to enable our students to thrive in the real competitive world and enjoy a successful and productive career and quality of life.
This question assumes that APP is a “political party”, which it is not. The APP is an educational project governed by the Alberta Prosperity Society. There is no prima facie leader of the APP, but there a management team which is featured on the website
The policies of the APP do not portend any socialist agenda. Instead, the APP champions free markets, individual freedoms, rights, and values, as well as a deregulated economy. At the same time, APP recommended policies recognize certain realities, such as homelessness is a problem that has not been solved, but we know how to do that. We know that people may be born compromised and require lifelong support. We also know that people can be excessively harmed by life’s circumstances for which they may require a “hand up” to get back into society as a contributing member. Or in tragic cases where they are so severely compromised that they are unable to get back to work, they will require indefinite support. To aid these individuals, the APP proposes, not socialist policies, but pragmatic and logical ones that serve the interests of all of society.
Democracy fails when societal rights trump individual rights, i.e., the tyranny of the majority over the minority. Mob rule in a democracy devolves into socialism, socialism into Marxism, and Marxism into communism. We have experienced this concerning spiral with the Covid-19 mandates. However, when individual rights and freedoms are supreme (i.e., a sovereign constitutional republic), the rights of the society follow. Thus, the only way to protect the fidelity of democracy is to entrench individual freedoms and rights into a robust new Constitution of Alberta in which societal rights can never Trump individual rights.
Albertans should not be surprised when parties, organizations, or special interest groups opposed to independence cite facts and figures supposedly weakening the rationale and merits of . These attacks are nothing more than “scare tactics” meant to entice the voter to vote the same as they have for decades. For example, one of the arguments against independence one might hear is, “38% of Albertans voted in favour of equalization, i.e., sending money to Ottawa.
Such an argument is flawed for a few reasons.
1.Equalization and Independence are not the Same Issues:
Equalization concerns fiscal transfers and issues of taxation. This is confusing for many people, and they are often unaware of how it affects them directly. On the contrary, the question of independence is plain, “Does one want a rule by law, freedom, and justice, or does one want to be ruled by unjust governance, unfair deals, and corrupt politicians?”
2. 62% of Albertans Voted for Ending Equalization
To argue “almost 40% of Albertans voted in favour [the recent referendum] of sending money to Ottawa” is the same thing as saying, “almost 60% of Albertans didn’t vote in favour of sending money to Ottawa.” Moreover. Less than 1/3 of the voting public voted.
3. Time is Dynamic:
It is a fallacy to assume that just because 40% of Albertans voted for equalization at once, that they will do so again. Elections are cyclical precisely because people’s preferences and decisions change. The vote to end equalization was almost a year ago. Much has transpired and changed since then. Bank accounts have been frozen, assets have been seized, and peaceful protestors have been incarcerated. People’s emotions, sentiments, and feelings change according to what’s happening in the country.
4. More Education is Needed
Suffice to say, equalization is a more complicated topic than expected, and the question on the ballot was poorly worded as well. The APP strives to educate all Albertans on the merits of independence and issues like equalization. Success means stopping politicians from taking advantage of uninformed or confused Albertans.
To that end, we are advocating for a referendum on independence to give Alberta the leverage to chart a new path forward. A successful referendum on Independence gives Alberta, for the first time, the leverage to negotiate with Ottawa and the other provinces from a position of strength. Finally, although the data needs to be updated, based on the most recent polling reported by Mainstream research on October 19, 2021, 47% of decided voters polled already favoured independence; that was before the momentous events of the past two months where The House of Commons once again proved it acts dictatorially. As such, we invite all Albertans to join our journey towards a free and prosperous Alberta.
Please consider signing the petition for a referendum on independence on our website via this link under the education section.
We don’t have the luxury of time before we lose our individual freedoms, rights, and prosperity, and to save this amazing province. And no federal or provincial government has ever protected Alberta’s freedom and prosperity since it’s inception into confederation. We started as a colony in 1905, and we continue to be a colony 116 years later, and we continue to be pillaged and plundered for the benefit of the east.
We already know that the federal government intends to end our oil and gas industry by 2030, which will reduce the average income of Albertans by at least 1/3, according to Jack Mintz, the Chair of Public policy at the University of Calgary. (Financial Post, Nov 11, 2021). And a more recent Angus Reid survey reported on Jan 4, 2022, that 73% of Albertans are disillusioned by the federal government. Provincially, the UCP has not even implanted one of the recommendations of the “Fair Deal Panel”. If “conventional government” won’t protect us, who will?
We also know the game plan of those who would suppress us in perpetuity. The Great Reset is a highly influential movement by the global elitists of the WEF and the UN under “Agenda 2030” to “reset” the world economy, implement a one world digital currency and restructure the social order using banks,, government programs, and environmental, social, and governance metrics to control billions of people in their every move, in all of their transactions, in every purchase, in every bureaucratic practice, and in every activity, People will be pinned, catalogued, categorized, tracked and controlled. Your assigned social credit score will determine what permissions you are granted in society by the government. The WEF and UN advance upon Canada via the “Great Reset” is no longer a conspiracy but is a clear and present danger to remake society everywhere with a one-world socialist/Marxist governance structure.
The WEF-UN “Agenda 2030″ has already begun. The federal government has just announced its intention to implement a digital ID, one component of the Great Reset. A one-world digital currency is next, along with a social credit score to change the fabric of how society operates completely controlled by the government.
Many Albertans recognize (and this number will only increase as the APP unveils its massive educational campaign) that we are at a constitutional precipice. We have two choices before us: Albertans can return to the old way of life, oppressed by high taxation, invasive regulatory policy, and unjust federal law, or we can adventure, together, into a new constitutional republic with low taxation, free markets, and laws of justice. Decades of voting for the “same old same old” has generated nothing of value for our province. The structural imbalances of confederation and the impossibility of changing the Canadian Constitution means that Alberta cannot better its fortunes within confederation. Instead, we need something new, something better! The APP is convinced this new way of life is generated by independence.
However, by electing an independence-focused government that will guarantee to protect our individual freedoms, rights, and prosperity and Alberta’s self-determination, we will have hope. Once that government takes control of policing, pensions, employment insurance, immigration, and provincial tax collection, we will have even greater hope. And with a successful referendum on independence, Alberta will have, for the first time, negotiating power (leverage), to chart a new path forward. Hope will be realized and Alberta will finally be able to parley with Ottawa and the other provinces on what Alberta wants, and, should 6 to 12 months of negotiation fail, Alberta will become a new Sovereign Constitutional Republic.
Today, more than ever, it is essential that Albertans realize that it is no longer possible to passively resist. It is necessary to take a position, to fight for freedom, to demand respect for natural freedoms, such as life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness. Even more important is to understand that the dystopia of the New World Order serves to establish a dictatorship and eliminate any trace of religion. Accordingly, we do not have “years” to save ourselves. We know the future, and we can already hear the rush of the ‘falls”.
We have had ostensibly strong conservative governments both federally and provincially in the past, but the reality is that no federal or Alberta government has ever protected Alberta’s interests or future prosperity in 116 years. Given that we are now facing the abyss of the Great Reset and the end of energy security, why should anyone expect that a conservative government, federal or provincial, will do anything different to protect Alberta, unless they are compelled to?
The purpose of the referendum on Alberta’s Independence is to empower the Provincial Government to negotiate new terms of Alberta’s relationship within or without Canada.
The “Citizens Initiative Act” requires 600,000 signatures collected over a period of not more than 90 days to force a referendum on Alberta’s Independence. Given the difficulty of collecting 600,000 signatories to a petition within 90 days, the simple solution is have more than 600,000 Albertans registered for the petition.
Accordingly, APP, via a massive educational campaign, will grow support for the referendum. Once we have over 600,000 Albertans who support Alberta’s Independence and registered with their “Intent-to-Vote” in favor of forcing a referendum via a petition, we will then present the petition to Elections Alberta for approval. Once approved, canvassers will facilitate the collection of signatures for the petition within the required 90 day timeline.
A successful referendum gives Alberta the leverage of the moral and legal legitimacy to chart a new path forward as an independent “nation” within Canada, or as an Independent Sovereign Constitutional Republic. There is no other leverage, other than a successful referendum on Independence, that gives Alberta any negotiating power. Thus, there is no need to split the vote with any party. The need is to replace all these individuals with someone who will represent their constituents and support freedoms, prosperity and a better future for Alberta.
The obvious problem with a “single member district” and “first past the post” voting system is that in a multiple-popular-candidate election in that SMD, a candidate may be elected with less than 50% of the vote. In such a case a plurality of the voters is not fully represented. The solution for the 2023 election is to ensure that, in every riding, a candidate is elected who will legally commit to protecting Albertans individual freedoms, rights, prosperity, as well as self-determination, and will support holding a referendum on independence. That candidate will also need to commit to implementing the policies, governance, bylaws, and constituency association rules that APP recommends, which will hold the candidate as a member of the legislative assembly subject to immediate recall for failure to do so. The candidate will also need to legally commit to holding an honest referendum on independence.
The simplistic reason the party with the popular vote may not hold power is that the party did not elect the greatest number of candidates. This is a habitual problem with federal elections because of voter rich Quebec and Ontario, the lack of representation by population, and the inhomogeneous political views throughout Canada. The result of this system is always the tyranny of the majority (Quebec and Ontario) over the minority (Alberta), exacerbated by societal rights always trumping individual rights.
Fortunately, Alberta has a more homogeneous population, which is why Albertans overwhelmingly vote Conservative, not Liberal or NDP. Understanding Alberta’s values of individual freedoms and quest for prosperity should result in a massive plurality of Alberta votes to support an independence-focused government. Only a successful referendum on will give Alberta the leverage to chart a new path forward, avoid the dystopian future intended by the Great Reset, and ensure individual freedoms, rights, and prosperity are protected.
The APP recognizes that politicians are subject to corruption. As it stands, loopholes, big government, and flagrant violation of the law though corrupted courts enable politicians to act unjustly to the detriment of the Albertan citizen.
First, to combat this problem, the APP is proposing one of the most robust constitutions ever drafted to, essentially, “handcuff” politicians and judges. Restricted by such a constitution, politicians would only be able to perform their most basic (but vital) functions, namely, serving their constituents to uphold and protect rights and freedoms, and provide ethical governance. And judges would be compelled to follow the rule of law.
Second, the APP is proposing Alberta become a Sovereign Constitutional Republic, rather than the sort of democracy we are harmed by now. This is because a democracy is a rule by men (elected politicians) who are oftentimes very corrupt. But a republic is a rule by law that is, by definition, unchangeable, and infallible. The rights and freedoms of individuals can be violated in democracy; in a republic, they are protected at all costs. More than that, through strict recall and other checks and balances of power, the APP’s proposed bylaws enable voters to remove corrupted officials abdicating their responsibilities and commitments.
More FAQs Coming Soon…
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We believe that sustainable work is locally-led. Along with implementing community-owned water projects, our local partners help facilitate comprehensive water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) programming to protect everyone’s long-term health.
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We believe that sustainable work is locally-led. Along with implementing community-owned water projects, our local partners help facilitate comprehensive water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) programming to protect everyone’s long-term health.
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We believe that sustainable work is locally-led. Along with implementing community-owned water projects, our local partners help facilitate comprehensive water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) programming to protect everyone’s long-term health.
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We believe that sustainable work is locally-led. Along with implementing community-owned water projects, our local partners help facilitate comprehensive water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) programming to protect everyone’s long-term health.
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We believe that sustainable work is locally-led. Along with implementing community-owned water projects, our local partners help facilitate comprehensive water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) programming to protect everyone’s long-term health.
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We believe that sustainable work is locally-led. Along with implementing community-owned water projects, our local partners help facilitate comprehensive water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) programming to protect everyone’s long-term health.
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We believe that sustainable work is locally-led. Along with implementing community-owned water projects, our local partners help facilitate comprehensive water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) programming to protect everyone’s long-term health.
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We believe that sustainable work is locally-led. Along with implementing community-owned water projects, our local partners help facilitate comprehensive water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) programming to protect everyone’s long-term health.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur notted adipisicing elit sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et simply free text dolore magna aliqua lonm andhn.
We believe that sustainable work is locally-led. Along with implementing community-owned water projects, our local partners help facilitate comprehensive water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) programming to protect everyone’s long-term health.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur notted adipisicing elit sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et simply free text dolore magna aliqua lonm andhn.
We believe that sustainable work is locally-led. Along with implementing community-owned water projects, our local partners help facilitate comprehensive water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) programming to protect everyone’s long-term health.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur notted adipisicing elit sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et simply free text dolore magna aliqua lonm andhn.
We believe that sustainable work is locally-led. Along with implementing community-owned water projects, our local partners help facilitate comprehensive water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) programming to protect everyone’s long-term health.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur notted adipisicing elit sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et simply free text dolore magna aliqua lonm andhn.
We believe that sustainable work is locally-led. Along with implementing community-owned water projects, our local partners help facilitate comprehensive water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) programming to protect everyone’s long-term health.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur notted adipisicing elit sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et simply free text dolore magna aliqua lonm andhn.
We believe that sustainable work is locally-led. Along with implementing community-owned water projects, our local partners help facilitate comprehensive water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) programming to protect everyone’s long-term health.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur notted adipisicing elit sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et simply free text dolore magna aliqua lonm andhn.
We believe that sustainable work is locally-led. Along with implementing community-owned water projects, our local partners help facilitate comprehensive water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) programming to protect everyone’s long-term health.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur notted adipisicing elit sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et simply free text dolore magna aliqua lonm andhn.
We believe that sustainable work is locally-led. Along with implementing community-owned water projects, our local partners help facilitate comprehensive water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) programming to protect everyone’s long-term health.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur notted adipisicing elit sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et simply free text dolore magna aliqua lonm andhn.
We believe that sustainable work is locally-led. Along with implementing community-owned water projects, our local partners help facilitate comprehensive water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) programming to protect everyone’s long-term health.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur notted adipisicing elit sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et simply free text dolore magna aliqua lonm andhn.
We believe that sustainable work is locally-led. Along with implementing community-owned water projects, our local partners help facilitate comprehensive water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) programming to protect everyone’s long-term health.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur notted adipisicing elit sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et simply free text dolore magna aliqua lonm andhn.
We believe that sustainable work is locally-led. Along with implementing community-owned water projects, our local partners help facilitate comprehensive water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) programming to protect everyone’s long-term health.
The Alberta Prosperity Project doesn’t receive any government funding. We rely on our generous supporters to help fund our educational efforts. If you support our mission to empower the Alberta government to restructure Alberta’s relationship with Canada by mobilizing public support for a referendum on independence, please consider making a donation today:
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