Alberta’s independent constitutional republic will not endorse, encourage, tolerate, or implement any component of the tyrannical and dystopian future envisioned by the WEF and the United Nations. The APP vehemently rejects a digital I.D., social credit score, and digital currency. Accordingly, APP members must evaluate what political entities will best protect their interests, individual freedoms and rights, and prosperity prior to the 2023 election.
The APP intends to educate all Albertans, businesses and organization on the rationale and merits of independence; either within Canada or, independence untethered to Canada. Given the hurdles to change the constitution to benefit Alberta and it’s citizens, it becomes self-evident that the best path forward for Alberta is to get out from under all federal control.
Our goal is for the APP members to understand which MLAs and which political entities will best protect their individual freedoms, rights, prosperity, and self-determination, and will also commit to holding an honest referendum on Alberta Independence no later than the mid-term municipal elections. This independence-focused party will also have to commit to never instituting a digital ID or embracing a one-world digital currency. (To protect the Alberta currency, it will need to be backed. An Aberta Sovereign Currency backed by a gold standard will eventually become the strongest currency in the world, which will significantly increase our purchasing power.
APP, with 500,000 to 1,000,000 or more members can prevent the Great Reset from being imposed in Alberta. By educating our members on the rationale and merits of independence, we enable them to vote for a party that will guarantee to protect their individual freedoms and prosperity. APP itself is not a political party, but with 500,000 to 1,000,000 or more members can control the outcome of the 2023 election.
We are at a water-shed moment in history in which our two choices are “freedom and prosperity” versus “slavery to the dictates of communism and government control as planned for with the “Great Reset”. It is in every Albertan’s interest to support the APP as we share the message of hope for our future and come together for a common cause.