The APP recognizes that politicians are subject to corruption. As it stands, loopholes, big government, and flagrant violation of the law though corrupted courts enable politicians to act unjustly to the detriment of the Albertan citizen.
First, to combat this problem, the APP is proposing one of the most robust constitutions ever drafted to, essentially, “handcuff” politicians and judges. Restricted by such a constitution, politicians would only be able to perform their most basic (but vital) functions, namely, serving their constituents to uphold and protect rights and freedoms, and provide ethical governance. And judges would be compelled to follow the rule of law.
Second, the APP is proposing Alberta become a Sovereign Constitutional Republic, rather than the sort of democracy we are harmed by now. This is because a democracy is a rule by men (elected politicians) who are oftentimes very corrupt. But a republic is a rule by law that is, by definition, unchangeable, and infallible. The rights and freedoms of individuals can be violated in democracy; in a republic, they are protected at all costs. More than that, through strict recall and other checks and balances of power, the APP’s proposed bylaws enable voters to remove corrupted officials abdicating their responsibilities and commitments.