This quote by Stuart Chase attempts to identify a dichotomy between people in terms of their ability to change their mind based on evidence. In essence, both parts of the quote say the same thing, i.e., “Nothing, including evidence, will change that person’s mind (no proof is necessary, or possible)”, except that the 2nd part of the quote assumes that no evidence will ever be provided. Let’s then apply this logic to:
1. Those who believe that a dystopian future is inevitable assumes that they will accept their fate (a dystopian future) since they believe that it cannot be avoided, regardless of what evidence is provided to the contrary = cognitive dissonance. This group of people may welcome the great socialist reset, whether they understand the implications, or not. On the other hand, we don’t know categorically whether some or many of these people will change their mind until we creatively engage with them and provide a more inspiring narrative from every media platform, which we intend to do. .
2. Those who don’t believe that the future will be dystopian, and no proof of what is coming can possibly be provided = cognitive dissonance. In this case, however, there is a now a massive amount of evidence at hand that a dystopian future is in the cards if we do nothing. The implications for individuals and society are clear, which may be sufficiently persuasive for people to stand against the Great Reset, and the plundering of Alberta. APP’s job is to engage, educate and inspire these folks on the rationale and merits of independence, how we will make it happen, and how we will assuage the concerns of independence.
The key question for APP is can we overcome cognitive dissonance and provide sufficient evidence for Albertans to want to protect their individual freedoms, rights, prosperity, and self-determination. So far, the evidence strongly suggests that we can change the hearts and minds of people when they understand what they will lose if we do nothing, and what they will gain by Alberta becoming an independent sovereign nation. It really gets back to the fundamental question of “What’s in it for me” in an Independent Alberta, and “what do I lose in a dystopian future?”
If we apply this to the rural and urban populations, APP assumes, based on evidence, that people will change their mind if the evidence is compelling in terms of what they will lose remaining in Canada and what they will gain in an Independent Alberta. While it may seem that there is an impossible urban-rural political divide, we at APP believe that most Albertans want to protect their individual freedoms, rights, prosperity, and self-determination, regardless of locale, and will unite for common cause. Our task is to explain what is at stake for all Albertans in the rural and urban communities. The difference is that we will need to make a much greater effort in the major urban communities, which is planned. “If we can dream it, we can do it. It always seems impossible until it is done”. (Nelson Mandela).
We also believe that there are those who want Alberta to remain in Canada but with a much better deal and control of our wealth, as well as control of government programs unfettered by the federal government. And then there are those who are convinced that Alberta should become an independent Sovereign Constitutional Republic. With both paradigms, neither outcome can be achieved without leverage, and the only leverage possible to fix Alberta’s circumstances within confederation or permit Alberta to chart a new path forward as an independent sovereign nation is the leverage of a successful referendum on independence. Such a mandate by the people of Alberta provides the moral and legal legitimacy to negotiate with Ottawa and the other provinces from a position of strength.
APP is on the cusp of commencing a full court press, a massive program to educate Albertans on the rationale and merits of independence (within or without Canada), how we will make it happen, and how we will assuage the concerns of people about “independence”. We believe that our message will resonate with rural and urban citizens alike. We believe that people of all political stripes want
freedom and prosperity, and a better standard of living and quality of life. Our task is to educate them. We are agnostic to which party embraces the policies and governance that we are advocating. And we already have NDP, UCP and Independence party supporters.
In conclusion, we are advocating for peaceful revolution to save Alberta.