The APP recognizes that Alberta Independence is impossible without the support of Alberta’s Indigenous People. Please note that Lawrence Courtereille, VP of Indigenous Sovereignty is a proud member of the APP Board. Lawrence has been the elected Chief of the Mikisew First Nations Cree Band and has had a stellar business career and a national profile. In addition to Lawrence, Mr. Jeff Rath, VP General Counsel, and a Constitutional Lawyer, has worked on behalf of Indigenous people for over 30 years, all the way to the Supreme Court. Both Lawrence and Jeff are confident that 95% of the indigenous population of Alberta will support Alberta Independence once they understand the rationale and merits. For more information, please review the section in the Proposed Policy and Governance Document on our website that pertains to our proposed Indigenous policy.
Any discussion on provincial secession in Parliament demands “formal statements or resolutions of the Aboriginal peoples of Canada.” What support, if any, exists from the Aboriginal people of Alberta at this time? **