Thank You for Your Support!

Your Pledge Makes a Difference

Thank you for joining the Pledge 5 campaign. Your generous contribution of $5 per month plays a crucial role in our collective effort to shape a prosperous future for Alberta. With your support, we are one step closer to empowering Alberta with the tools needed to redefine our relationship with Canada and advance our sovereignty goals.


What Happens Next?

  • Stay Informed: You will receive updates on our progress and insights into how your contributions are making an impact.
  • Get Involved: Look out for invitations to exclusive events and opportunities to participate in key initiatives.
  • Spread the Word: Share your commitment with friends and family on social media and encourage them to join the movement.

Together, We Are Stronger

Your pledge is more than a donation—it’s a declaration of your commitment to Alberta’s future. Thank you for believing in the power of community and the strength of collective action.



Stay Connected

Make sure to follow us on our social media channels and visit our website regularly for the latest news and events. Your voice matters, and together, we can achieve great things for Alberta.

WATCH: About the Alberta Prosperity Project

Alberta Prosperity Project


for a prosperous alberta within or without canada

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We're building a community

The Alberta Prosperity Project doesn’t receive any government funding. We rely on our generous supporters to help fund our educational efforts. If you support our mission to empower the Alberta government to restructure Alberta’s relationship with Canada by mobilizing public support for a referendum on independence, please consider making a donation today:

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